Norwell, MA
About Us

What We Do
At Wright Educational Consulting, we provide a full range of placement support for clients considering traditional school and college placement. Additionally, we have experience both advocating for and placing clients with learning disabilities and related disorders as well as those families requiring theroth apeutic placements (wilderness programs, RTC's, or boarding schools). We work with international students/clients who live outside of the United States (or who are currently attending school in the United States) who are applying to American schools (boarding and day) and colleges. We also offer Life Coaching/Executive Function (EF) Coaching support for children, adolescents, and college-age students.
When necessary, we have experience in referring to outside agencies and licensed mental health specialists. Let our knowledge, integrity, and patience provide you with an excellent outcome for your child. We meet with our clients at our office, at a mutually agreed upon location, or via Skype or through phone support when working with those who are not within travel distance.
Professional Relationships
Many of our clients benefit from services which we do not directly provide, including standardized test preparation/review, subject tutoring, and formalized psychological assessments and testing. We are more than happy to make recommendations for clients who are looking for proper matches for their needs.
Peter R. Wright is a passionate veteran educator, coach, and fitness trainer. Wright has experience teaching at independent boarding, private day, parochial, and public schools. He is a Certified Educational Planner (CEP) and holds both Florida and Massachusetts state teaching certifications in school counseling, the humanities, and special education. Professionally, Wright has been partnered with the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) for over a decade. He has served in the dual role of program coordinator and master teacher for several month-long NEH teacher Institutes and Seminars held at Boston University and the University of Virginia.
Wright and his wife Lisa live locally on the South Shore of Boston, Massachusetts with their three dogs and their horse Cupid, a draft quarter cross. They support the adoption and training of dogs through various rescue organizations throughout New England and the United States.