Norwell, MA
Keeping Up With Trends
Is your guidance counselor or school/college placement adviser keeping up with industry trends? Are they aware of changes that take place at schools and college campuses? New programs? Scholarship opportunities outside of the norm? In any industry, continued professional development is an important component in maintaining or enhancing one's competency in their respective field. Completing research and writing on topics in one's domain is just one way to stay fresh and capable. Please refer below to the articles I have published related to the school and college search process.
Learning Disabled Students and the College Search Process

For many applicants, the college search process is a challenge. Where should I apply? Do I have a decent shot at getting in? What about my GPA, standardized test scores, and extra-curricular activities? Do I offer enough as an applicant to attract my first choice school? For students with learning disabilities (LD's), this process is even more daunting. Check out my article on students with learning disabilities (SLD's): Learning Disabilities and College Admissions - The Price of Anonymity
Should One's Athletic Competition End With High School Graduation?

Does athletic participation have to end with one's high school graduation? Certainly, many colleges and universities have intramural sports programs - som them are quite competitive. Nevertheless, do many applicants unnecessarily forgo an opportunity to play sports at the college level? Please read my latest article written for Quantum Prep, LLC published on October 21, on this topic entitled: To Play or Not to Play? Tough choices face when Choosing a College
Are College And University Open Houses To Be Trusted?
So what can you learn about a particular college that is not readily available on websites, the internet, and various guide books? The is to visit any school that interests you. Feel free to read my latest article for Quantum Prep, LLC published on June 23, titled Dream School Or Not - Remember to Formally "Kick The Tires"
Who Is Helping You With Your College Process? Are You Receiving The Assistance That You Need?

In regards to the college search process, Wright recently was interviewed by Solomon Berman, founder and lead teacher Quantum Prep, LLC. The interview entitled, Do I Need A College Admissions Consultant? highlights a comprehensive approach utilizing scholastic preparation coupled with placement counseling. These two parameters often go hand in hand.